About the organization where Grandstream solution was deployed:
Sheltech Ceramics’ first plant started production with a daily production capacity of 1.07 lakh square feet of premium-quality wall and floor tiles. The factory is located in Bhola on 60 acres of land and is now manufacturing over 10,000 square meters of floor and wall tiles per day. There were 2 separate administrative and operational buildings with huge factory workspaces and 1500 users.
The real estate giant entered the ceramic industry by installing a tiles manufacturing unit in Bhola. The company is now setting up two more plants there within two years of setting up the first unit due to natural gas reserves, cheap land, easy shipping system and huge customer response and growing market demand.
The production capacity of the two new plants for ceramic tiles is triple that of the first plant. The plants are scheduled to go into production in late September and October this year
Goal(s) of the deployment?
Sheltech Ceramics is already present in Grandstream’s ecosystem through our IP PBX UCM6304 and WP810. There were 2 separate administrative and operational buildings with a huge factory workspace and 1500 users. They use the wireless IP phone WP810 for regular internal communication in their entire premises, along with the head office situated in Dhaka. To carry out their regular communication, a stable and strong network infrastructure is a must. Wireless phones are used by all in charge, who are always monitoring all production-related work. He has to connect always with other in-charge workers for information and instruction, receive, and send. As the total operation area is quite large, signal-dropping issues were a common occurrence with the present networking system. Therefore, we extended the helping hand and suggested overhauling their entire network structure and making it a unified Grandstream network. Their main goal was proper roaming because all their communication depends on Wi-Fi-based Grandstream IP phones. So that they need a very strong wireless network with proper roaming to also fulfill their official and daily requirements without any interruption. Our goals for deployments are as follows:
- Powerful Roaming System: With more than around 70 WP810 already deployed, it was clear that roaming was their core priority. All the users were in continuous movement. Being a large manufacturing plant, pinpoint monitoring of every event is a necessity to ensure smooth production.
- Central Management System: We also wanted to bring everything under one network. Previously they mainly used our IP solution system; however, they had a different networking facility that was not able to keep up with the roaming requirement. Also, maintaining two different systems became very complicated over time, and an efficient method was needed.
- Connection Reliability: While always connected over a Wi-Fi network for communication, not only in the premises but also in the head office. But continuous network disruptions proved to be a strong challenge.
- Coverage: The whole working premises being large, network coverage was poor in many parts of the operational building. In many areas, barely any signals were available, and communication over Wi-Fi or any other devices proved to be quite difficult.
- User Capacity: Around 1500 users required a continuous, stable internet connection that required a single networking system, but many of their devices constantly kept disconnecting or showed connected but no internet found due to poor device management.
- Local Data Server: All their products and items are stored in the specialized online data center in their warehouse that has a single IP address connected locally. Therefore, they had to bring all their items to a single location where the router was connected to that IP and enter from there, which was very time-consuming and inefficient.
With these core problems in mind, we started working on a plan that can not only resolve the current issues but also make their new experience satisfactory.
Why were Grandstream solutions chosen:
As they already have the WP810 and IP PBX UCM6304, we believed putting them under the same network will not only remove all their issues but also make work more efficient. Therefore, we deployed 100 GWN7630 and 20 GWN7630LR to set up our primary networking solution. With 250+ concurrent Wi-Fi client device support and around a 300-meter coverage range per device, it makes an ideal solution for the issues.
- Corner to Corner Wi-Fi Signal: With the data roaming feature and a coverage range of 175 meters and 300 meters, respectively, from the GWN7630 and GWN7630LR, moving around the whole facility has become a breeze with no signal drop in the whole premises.
- Stable Network: With high network throughput of the devices. Both models capable of 33 Gbps speed ensure a stable flow of Wi-Fi speed throughout all the connected devices. The 4×4 MIMO of each played a vital role in delaying a speed latency and provided a seamless experience with both downloading and uploading.
- Large User Base: Covering 1500+ users who are always connected to the internet and sending constant data through it was not an easy task. Therefore, we chose the devices with the high user support. Office buildings and high-density user areas were covered by GWN7630 with 200 concurrent Wi-Fi client support, and large open spaces were covered with periodically dense areas such as the cafeteria, and attendance grounds were covered with GWN7630LR with 250 user support.
- GWN Controller: Unifying them in a single infrastructure was one of our goals, which was possible through the highly specialized and efficient GWN Cloud—one of the most advanced central network cloud management systems that offers unlimited AP management under a single umbrella. Also, it made the network more secure.
- Centralized Data Center for Efficiency: The single network for all the devices made it possible to connect all the devices to a single IP address. That enabled them to now upload history and details of all their products into their local data server from any given place in the manufacturing plant.
- Cost Efficient: Having already UCM and IP solutions available, bringing the whole networking system under Grandstream will prove to be very cost-effective. Also, Grandstream devices with industry-standard features with the best value for money.
After placing the solution, we have thoroughly trained each of the IT team members and showed them every possible way they can get the best out the new system. Also conducted exams to make sure they understand the whole system usage.
Results after deploying the Grandstream solution:
Sheltech Ceramic is very happy because Grandstream Access Point meets all their requirements. Their IT concern can control everything from anywhere by using GWN Cloud. Proper roaming helps them to connect all IP phones from all locations with high coverage. Also, they send and receive huge data for their daily requirements, and Grandstream Access Point is doing this perfectly. By satisfying experience in the factory, they also deployed Grandstream AP in Dhaka HO. They already used 100+ GWN7630 and 20+ GWN7630LR. Wireless phone: Already 70+ WP810.
Just like our all-other solutions, we always stay in touch after establishing new Grandstream systems and solutions for any facility. Throughout the time we get feedback from them by visiting physically and virtually. Their feedbacks are summarized below:
- Now that they can manage the whole system centrally with GWN Cloud, the IT team is extremely satisfied and now can focus on other development tasks. Now the whole 120 devices are under a single umbrella, making the device management heavenly for them. Any issues are notified and diagnosed immediately with no hassle.
- With the whole network under one IP system, the local product information uploading has never been this efficient before. They were able to save a lot of human resources and working hours, which in turn saved a lot of money for them. Now even the employees with the product data handling team are happy as they no longer have to move products to a single location far from their location, which was very difficult. Everything can be uploaded from everywhere in the operation area.
- 0% network disruption was reported by the users. We mainly surveyed the WP810 users, who were in constant motion and used the wireless phones to carry out all the conversation among them and head office. They barely see any signal drop and are quite happy with the new Grandstream access points.
- Strong coverage and higher user capacity of the devices ensured no employees are left alone. Anywhere they go, the Wi-Fi goes with them. So, all the employees are now able to carry out their daily tasks without the devices ever letting them down.
- Strong 2.33 maximum Gbps speed from the devices, combined with their high-bandwidth connection, resulted in an ideal internet usage experience where even large chunks of data uploading did not bottleneck the system, which previously was a case.
Our constant support and engagement also played a strong role in developing healthy and growing relationships. Now, they believe more in Grandstream than in any other networking devices due to the reliable performance and stability. They even ensured that, for any of their new plants, Grandstream will be the one-stop solution they will go for.